
Understanding Stress: Types, Causes, and Health Impacts

Acute, Episodic, and Chronic Stress

Stress is the body’s normal reaction to changes or challenges that occur. Stress is very common and affects nearly everyone. Stress can sometimes be a good thing. It can keep you alert, motivated and ready to avoid danger. Stress becomes a problem, however, when stressors continue without periods of relief.

Stress is categorized as acute, episodic or chronic.

Acute stress comes and goes quickly and can be positive or negative.

Episodic stress occurs regularly and can often be work-related.

Chronic stress lasts for weeks or months at a time and is typically caused by home/relationship stressors, work or financial problems. If you don’t find a way to manage chronic stress, it can lead to health issues.

Coping with Chronic Stress: Recognizing Symptoms and Building Healthy Habits

Chronic Stress symptoms can manifest as physical (chest pain, trouble use, gambling, overeating, compulsive shopping or substance use. sleeping, headaches, digestive issues), psychological (anxiety, depression, panic attacks) or behavioral. People with chronic stress turn to different activities to try and cope which might lead to alcohol.

While stress cannot be completely avoided, there are things you can do to reduce your risk.

Promote Relaxation and Better Sleep by Calming the Mind and Body"

Reduce Stress Naturally with Acupuncture

Consider acupuncture to help relieve your stress. Acupuncture increases circulation, reduces levels of stress hormones and calms the nervous system during each treatment, helping to alleviate stress and improve sleep.