If the New Year means a new workout plan and renewed fitness goals, remember to add hydration to your list of resolutions. Staying hydrated is a simple yet critical part of maintaining good health. Proper hydration is essential for optimal health but most of us aren’t getting the fluids we need. According to research, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Hydration affects many aspects of our body’s functions including circulation, recovery time, organ function, regulating body temperature, sleep quality, cognition and mood. Our bodies are using fluids constantly, so the internal supply of fluids is always being depleted. It is important to ingest fluids throughout the day and stay ahead of hydration needs.
It is recommended that men drink 13 cups of water per day, approximately 3 liters. Women should drink 9 cups of water per day, just over 2 liters and kids/teens should drink between 6-8 cups per day. Keep in mind that these are just guidelines and the amount of water you need varies with activity level, age, weight and other factors. Check with your physician if you are unsure how much water you should be drinking.
If you think you’ll have trouble drinking so much water, consider these benefits from proper hydration.
- Improved brain performance (better memory, mood, concentration and reaction time)
- Digestive harmony (regular bowel movements, less gas, bloating and heartburn)
- More energy
- Weight loss and weight management (water helps you feel full and satisfied in between meals)
- Decreased joint pain
- Better body temperature regulation
- Kidney stone prevention (water helps flush bacteria from the bladder and helps prevent urinary tract infections)
- Heart health
- Improved body detoxification (water intake regulates urination, perspiration and bowel movements)
- Fewer headaches
To help make sure you drink enough water throughout the day, carry a water bottle with you when you leave the house. Drinking through a straw can also help you increase intake. Drink a full glass of water when you wake up and before lunch and dinner. Try using a hydration app that tracks fluid intake or even set a timer to remind yourself.
Proper hydration can be achieved by drinking coffee, tea or fruit flavored water, but plain water at room temperature is the best!
“Water is the only drink for a wise man.” ~Henry David Thoreau